Hello office twerkers, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.
Your model for today is a 20 year old French woman, model and law student. Please stop cross-fitting and welcome, Miss Audray de Macedo!
*********NSFW- .5 seconds of nippleage*********
Filed under: alcohol, ann coulter, asshole, bacon, Balls, BBF, bbq, Boobs, Booze, but not the good kind, Chapeau, Ed Balls, Electrical, fucking genius, High and tight, I am judging you, I'm not judging you, Jayson Blair, Jesus Freak, Lazy Man's Lobster, Le Luc Long, mesadick, misogyny, No Drama, oxycontin, peanut, police involvement, POON!, Really, Scurvy, STFU, Suck It., Sure Why Not, Taint Pics of Osprey, Totally Nude, TurtleFacePlant, weiner, whatever, whiskey, Yard and Garden, You People Make Me Sick, YOU WISH